
timestamp 07.04

hiiii peopleeee…. its been a while (lowkey) but nothing serious. shoutout anybody still checking for me 😚

what you been up to?

nothingggggg… not seeing my kids again until august so summer is hereeee!!! am I young? yes of course. am I turnt? that’s a work in progress. old hoes mad? very good chance of that! we partying like its 3008 on my fergie shit !!!!

but on a more serious note, things are going pretty okay for me right now :) I’m getting through my summer classes, got some hours at work for this month, and the beach house trip is on Tuesday y’all! we gon’ see how it goes, there’s a couple things that have been throwing me off a bit about the trip 🥴 but nothing can kill my vibe. I will have fun no matter what!

but here’s what I’ve been up to.

fav things

I think I’ve been in a mood recently, which is lowkey annoying, but I just feel like I’m lacking patience with people in my life and being bitchier than usual, which doesn’t feel good, but I feel it happening and I don’t know how to stop it. but, I’m also being rightfully pissed off in a lot of ways! but I drag those things I'm right to pissed off about to other things, which is culminating into a much bigger issue if not resolved soon. but as it stands now… lets hope this doesn’t turn into a Miami girls trip type of situation. need to have a sit down conversation with everyone and get it all out in the air. gonna meditate on it much more.

I’m bigger than being a person that cuts someone off in an instant just because we have an unspoken conflict, and I really need to hammer that into my head so I don’t lose people I care about and really like. I also need to get back into practicing gratitude. there’s so many great things that people have done for me to show that they care about me and I seriously need to keep that in mind when I start getting annoyed by the little things. 💆🏾‍♀️ I will get better.

anyway… it’s never the end of the world. I’m excited for the trip, I’m excited to get my nails done, and I’m happy I got paid two days early ♡ hope y’all having a fun fourth. byeeeeee

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