
the shame of the apathy of youth

I think my generation has been dealt a pretty rough hand of cards. born into a world on the verge of environmental, economic, and societal collapse; whatever could possibly collapse is now collapsing. any government systems set in place for the "betterment" of and "care" for society are falling apart, as they were only made to protect the past 3 generations, and we'll have nothing left for us. all politicians value and prioritize are the older generations and members of the ruling class, while young people suffer the lashings of their far-removed-from-reality legislation. there is absolutely no reason to have faith or trust in the government, now more than ever. all societal progress is quickly reversed and we're returning to the dark ages, or maybe even creating a new dark age.

so I understand the attitude of young people today to be attracted to hedonism and prioritize feeling good in the moment. honestly, every day I understand the attitude of the Corinthians more and more. the world is worse than it's ever been in all of time but even back then they were thinking, "Let us eat and drink and be merry, for tomorrow we are to die"! but this is far from a fair conclusion.

I've unfollowed and softblocked probably 10 people I had been friends with since October 7. I don't know what is more delusional: thinking you can ignore and live laugh love your way out of acknowledging a genocide or staying silent in an attempt to be neutral. either way, my response is the same: girl fuck you. what a corny stance it is to think you don't have to worry about what's going on in the middle east because "we've got enough problems over here." how dare you not care about the world around you. do you realize how much of a bum you have to be to be apathetic to the suffering of other human beings? to be apathetic to oppression? to be apathetic to genocide?

this is something I care a lot about, I even made it my final for my intercultural communication class last semester. I'm a black American. this affects me because police forces all over this country are receiving training from the IDF and enacting the same horrors and human rights violations against my people daily. but even if I somehow was far removed from this situation(and nobody is, this affects literally every single person on earth, particularly Americans, of whom many are funding unwillingly) I would still care because I'm fucking human and have basic empathy for others. it's not a matter of "what will they do for me in return?" it's a matter of "how can I stop this from happening to anyone else ever again?"

so it's crazy to see other people of color my age that just... don't give a shit. posting corny Instagram stories all day every day, 3 posts about going to EDC, going to the beach every day, posting without a care. how hard is it to share an Instagram graphic? a video from a Palestinian documenting their life during this genocide? a donation link? anything at all? somehow, that is harder than posting an anime edit on your story. it's disgusting and it makes me actually physically sick.

if you can be neutral to genocide, you can be neutral to being shot in the face I guess. how bizarre it is to be living in a roleplay of the holocaust and see how neutrality really looked back then, how apathy looked across America and other nations. how sick it is to live amongst supposed human beings that put absolutely anything ahead of care for our fellow people. is this what civilized society is? is this the greatest nation in the world?

honestly, may everybody go to hell at this point. god bless Palestinians, the resistance, their will to live and prosper. the fight is worth any cost, the payoff is near.

shame on my fellow young people who turn a blind eye to this. may god turn a blind eye to your suffering just as you have. care about the world. be a fucking person. have love, kindness, and faith in your heart even if it seems like there's no benefit to doing so. don't live in hopes of repayment, live to love and have faith in humanity. be a candle in the dark, be water in a vast desert, be rain in a drought. lead with love. lead with love. what is a life without it?

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