
lighten up

someone left a message on my guestbook about what kind of posts I would like to read-- I'm quite biased as a gen-z former twitter and tumblr user so a lot of what I prefer would fall into those lines and is not something I've found so far on bearblog. UPDATE found some blogs! više manje zauvek by aco and nat's dinosaur exhibit and their personal site are totally up my alley.

really, I'd like to see more posts written the way my friends and I write, but they've all got private twitter accounts lol. the best written example I'd have is ayo edebiri's letterboxd reviews, but linguistically I'd say the upstairs neighbors podcast is the best example of unserious carrying-on that I enjoy. basically, the average /tagged/.txt tumblr post

I've seen a lot of posts on the trending page recently about writing the way you speak or how bearbloggers tend to write very serious, introspective, long-form posts about themselves. and they do.

this website is not the most fun site on the internet by far... it's cool with me because I'm doing something fun on my blog, but overall, it's quite cold. sometimes it feels like a contest as to who can be the most introspective by telling the best story about this mundane event in their life that leads to the grandest moral conclusion about life itself. and that's cool to read sometimes, but it's like every other post is just that; if it's not, it's tech. and I hate AI.

and that's fair, many users treat this site like a diary, which is cool and valid. bearblog works well as a sort of journalling site. but it's not veryyy... fun.

users tend to make posts that are so introspective and so personal that it's hard to actually interact with them. like, who am I to comment on this experience of your dad having an inappropriate relationship with you? despite sharing so much about yourself, I'm still somebody who just doesn't know you.

it's so common that I honestly don't bother with reading other posts on this site because they just don't interest me or are, genuinely, overbearing to read.

I hope more users will join and make lighthearted and funny posts to contrast the somber vibe that permeates this website. let's smile and laugh, you guys!!

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