
i think we all talk the same

watching a lady on IG reels do her "low-effort, high-impact eyeshadow look" and a thought hit me that's been hitting me for days, weeks, months now; we all sound the same. she says "isn't that so gorg?" and it makes me scoff-chuckle a bit because, yeah, it IS so gorg and I would also describe it that way!

when I went out with my friends this weekend to explore LA after Disneyland fell through, it kept hitting me how we all talk the same. like, it's one thing to be so in sync with your friends to be able to finish their sentences, fill in the blanks, or cue in on a joke they're about to make and say it with them, but we would be talking and deliver our words the same way, in sync. our voices and mannerisms blend into each other so easily. is that love? is that another form of love?

you know when you're practicing gratitude and make an effort to notice the details in life? that's one detail that always sticks out to me. friends who pick up my mannerisms and sayings. i have this somewhat bizarre habit of gasping loudly at innocuous things, which is completely unintentional, might I add, and it always freaks out my new friends. so it's funny when they start doing the gasp about things or when they do the gasp to get my attention about something that they know I would also be gasping at.

contrary to my general online demeanor, I tend to say "yayyy!!!" a LOT in real life. 3hen I get something I want, when somebody helps me, when I force somebody to help me, when I get good news... all of it is followed by a more than enthusiastic "yayy!!!" from me. so it's fun when friends will either "yayyy!!!" before I do, or do the "yayyy!!!" in sync with me, knowing it's coming. isn't it lovely to be noticed, and to notice too?

it is a lovely thought and thing to know that we are an amalgamation of love we've received, interchanged, and given throughout our lives. like the internet adage that our features are ones that have been passed down to us through love, our mannerisms, thought patterns, and ways of speaking are collected from those around us. sometimes I can feel myself making a face and know I'm making the very same face my mom does, one that would annoy me to no end. or when i'd be with my mom in the car and see a car with green LED headlights, and in sync, with the same delivery, we both said "that is so stupid."

we are made of love and born from love, I believe. we are important, we are worthwhile, we are delicate and strong. we live to learn and to love. and in these lives, we come upon brief moments of connection with others that impact us forever, in ways that may be obvious to ourselves or hit our blindspots. something that you picked up from someone else is something someone else is picking up from you, and that is being repeated to everyone, everywhere, at all times. we are not lone animals, we survive by being in community with one another and we strengthen each other through love. I have been strengthened through the love of friends, family, internet acquaintances, strangers, children, sworn enemies, and best friends. and I am confident I've exchanged that love with them, at least I hope so.

so I'm glad that we sound the same, that we pick up on our little habits, that we grow in our understanding of each other constantly. I'm glad we get to evolve together and show that we love each other through our little game of mimicry. I love you <3

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