

found and was greatly inspired by Robert Birming's Blog Inspiration post so there are a couple of changes to the visuals of this blog now!

  1. new guestbook - goodbye to my dear smartgb guestbook, you always got the job done and your very evident old age was very endearing 🕊️ hello guestbooks!!!! love that it's embedded and not an external site, it's like I can keep everything at home <3
  2. getting rid of the newsletter subscription at the bottom of all my posts, now it's in the footer
  3. homepage recent posts now feature the meta description of each post! lol should I put more effort into those
  4. my /now page has a status cafe widget <3 so for everyone that's been missing my tweets... here you are

y'all can't see it but I changed my dashboard theme and it looks soooooo nice... if anyone remembers the xkit extension on tumblr it's giving xkit wait maybe I'll put in a screenshot night mode bear dash theme

isn't it cute!! I love it

next things next... I have some post ideassss! one is kinda like a challenge? like you know how tumblr would have tag your friends prompts and you'd fill out info about yourself like any piercings? fave color? that type of thing

well I've been thinking about that sort of thing for a while, probs since I first started this blog. anyone that's my age, do y'all remember the scholastic bookfairs and those coke vs. pepsi books? and they'd have page upon page of questionnaires like that? I wanna make one. there's obviously gonna be the easy basic questions like fav color n stuff like that but I wanna throw in some cooler ones too... y'all will see. I just need a name for it! cuz "all about me" gives first day of school.

also, I have no idea how to describe the kind of posting I enjoy. I feel like I'm trolling a LOT on here and this place isn't giving troll vibes. the thing about mainstream social media is that most users are young and all subscribe to at least some subsection of the general young-person echo chamber. the userbase for any personal-site host would, naturally, be a somewhat older audience that would see the value in personal sites because they might have had their own personal site before the web became what it currently is.

and no shade to the general userbase here, but it's not like ppl are blogging about ecco2k or writing challengers cornplate masterposts or analyzing the marketing of marc jacobs heaven and their inevitable downfall. and those are things I read about and like to see posts about, but the demographic of people who would post like that just aren't on here. and though there are other young people on here, we just don't run in the same circles. Awks.jpeg

anywayyyy... love y'all miss y'all have a good day <3

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